Arena Berlin Main Hall | Image © Arena Berlin

How do we communicate the climate crisis in the planetarium?
Peter Dorman (Planetarium Halle (Saale))


How do we communicate the climate crisis in the planetarium?

Peter Dorman (Planetarium Halle (Saale))

Presentation theme: future, sustainability, and worldviews

The existential threat of the climate crisis already affects most parts of the world. Nevertheless, the political consequences of fighting the climate crisis remain insufficient. Seeing our world as a whole, our planet as fragile, is one of the key revelations of space travel. As planetarians, we must communicate the latest science on the climate crisis, explain its consequences, and emphasize the urgency of actions. But how do we do that to maximize our positive impact on the whole world’s society? 

  • Which tone do we set? 
    • Apocalyptic or advocating for change?
  • Which methods work best in a planetarium and why? 
    • Live presentation or fulldome movie? 
    • Explain climate science or call for action for individuals? 
  • How do we respond to science deniers?
    • Discuss the matter or »No tolerance«-policy? 
  • Is the climate crisis already an important topic discussed in your planetarium? If not, why not?

Image © Arena Berlin


Peter Dorman (Planetarium Halle (Saale)) | 27 min


  • En
Room: Spica



How do we communicate the climate crisis in the planetarium?

24.07. 07/24/2024
03:00 pm