Arena Berlin Main Hall | Image © Arena Berlin

How to become a planetarium presenter?
Kristin Linde, Diana Steinkampf (Stiftung Planetarium Berlin)

How to become a planetarium presenter?

Kristin Linde, Diana Steinkampf (Stiftung Planetarium Berlin)

Presentation theme: educational advances in planetariums

Presenting in a planetarium is undoubtedly one of the most unique and yet challenging things to do for anyone. Communicating astronomy and STEM content to different age groups in complete darkness without receiving any visual feedback may just be one example of many. 

What other challenges are there for presenters in terms of live presentation in a dome? How do you choose the right presenter for your planetarium? What types of presenting exercises should be performed prior to hiring someone? How can you test someone’s presentation skills in regard of different age groups, and most importantly: how do you assure the quality of a presenter team? 

In this Breakout Round table, we’re going to discuss the challenges a presenter may face in terms of live presentation in a dome and what types of methods there are to find the most suitable presenter for your institution.

Image © Arena Berlin


Kristin Linde, Diana Steinkampf (Stiftung Planetarium Berlin) | 27 min


  • En
Room: Spica



How to become a planetarium presenter?

24.07. 07/24/2024
02:15 pm