Arena Berlin

The world of mobile domes: current challenges alongside their big brothers
Marcos Avalos Dittel (Planetario Aventura)


The world of mobile domes: current challenges alongside their big brothers

Marcos Avalos Dittel (Planetario Aventura)

Presentation themes: fulldome, future sustainability and world views, PR for planetariums

Mobile domes complement the fixed facilities reaching to audiences that otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend a planetarium. However, their role is far more different than just because of the venue, or its capability of setting up an equipment that has to provide a memorable immersive experience just as its bigger siblings. 

Other factors such as the amount of people reached during an installation, the particular needs of that population, what they expect to experience at that visiting planetarium, and even the local cultural characteristics often dictate a different way of operating a mobile planetarium, the development of contents, expected revenue and type of presentations that can be offered. 

Mobile dome builders and general fulldome content producers must be aware of this to be able to produce proper products that can reach the mostly smaller initiatives that carry a very important and unique job upon their shoulders.

Image © Arena Berlin


Marcos Avalos Dittel (Planetario Aventura) | 12 min


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Room: Procyon



The world of mobile domes

24.07. 07/24/2024
02:15 pm