Arena Berlin

Project a metaverse onto a planetarium and build a VR museum of space
Stella Amano (Virtual space program)


Project a metaverse onto a planetarium and build a VR museum of space

Stella Amano (Virtual space program)

Presentation theme: educational advances in planetariums

Planetariums are at the forefront of educational facilities not only for astronomy but also for science in general. However, existing dome movies and planetarium software make it difficult to create arbitrary situations that are not prepared. In addition, there were problems with face-to-face operation and brightness when trying to interact with the audience.

Since the VRChat metaverse platform allows users to create the content they want, we have created a number of user-generated astronomy and space-related content within VRChat. By projecting VRChat into a planetarium, we are able to insert a commentator into any content and project ourselves into the planetarium dome to provide commentary.

Our latest achievement is the creation of a VR museum of space, which provides interactive explanations of exhibits.

Image © Arena Berlin


Stella Amano (Virtual space program) | 12 min


  • En
Room: Procyon



Project a metaverse onto a planetarium

24.07. 07/24/2024
04:30 pm