Arena Berlin Main Hall | Image © Arena Berlin

Plani4Kids: Engage the young ones in your domes
Marc Horat (Verkehrshaus der Schweiz)

Plani4Kids: Engage the young ones in your domes

Marc Horat (Verkehrshaus der Schweiz)

Presentation theme: educational advances in planetariums

Last year, we‘ve introduced a new live presentation format in Lucerne, Switzerland called Plani4Kids. This is a series of eight repeating, weekly events targeted at a young audience from 5 upwards. The idea is to encourage repeated visits to the Planetarium in order to get all the different topics covered. All eight shows combined are a great introduction to astronomy and space travel. Like with our other live show formats there‘s no fixed script and the presenters are challenged to create their own story and combine the available elements in our Digistar system for each specific topic. The shows proved to be extremely popular and I will talk about our approach and experiences with this show format.

Image © Arena Berlin


Marc Horat (Verkehrshaus der Schweiz) | 15 min


  • En
Room: Polaris (main stage)



Plani4Kids: Engage the young ones in your domes

24.07. 07/24/2024
02:45 pm