Arena Berlin Main Hall | Image © Arena Berlin

Interest is not enough! How we move beyond interest, towards identity, aspiration and belonging 
Shaaron Leverment, Josh Yates (Explorer Dome)

Interest is not enough! How we move beyond interest, towards identity, aspiration and belonging

Shaaron Leverment, Josh Yates (Explorer Dome)

Presentation theme: future sustainability and worldviews

We have known for some time that efforts in science education and engagement are biased. Unconsciously or consciously, we have been excluding sections of society. 

Planetarium domes can inspire awe, ignite curiosity and support life-long learning for all. Planetarium professionals have a crucial role to shape the future, by supporting diversity in STEM and bringing the sciences into the heart of culture and society. 

This presentation highlights the efforts of two evidence-based initiatives, sharing methods, surprising outcomes and recommendations from »Explore Your Universe« (across the UK science centre network), and »Our Space Our Future« (a pan-European project working with outreach organisations). 

Both programmes worked with planetaria as delivery partners alongside science centres and outreach organisations, sharing a common vision of society where all people - regardless of gender, race or ethnicity, background or ability - are empowered to see space and astronomy as positive and realistic aspirations for their future. 

The accessibility of planetarium domes was leveraged to showcase the relevance of astronomy, space (and more!). Approaches aimed to disrupt »business-as-usual« by allowing practitioners and partners time to develop different ways of working when focusing on those we were excluding. Outputs were designed to challenge the usual »presenter« and »audience« power dynamic, promote co-production and focus on methods that not only sparked student interest, but supported student belonging, agency and identity.

Image © Arena Berlin


Shaaron Leverment, Josh Yates (Explorer Dome) | 12 min


  • En
Room: Acrux



Interest is not enough! How we move beyond interest, towards identity, aspiration and belonging

24.07. 07/24/2024
03:15 pm