Arena Berlin

How do mobile domes fit into the big picture?
Susan Button (Quarks to Clusters)

How do mobile domes fit into the big picture?

Susan Button (Quarks to Clusters)

Mobile planetariums are hundreds of pixels in the big picture! We go everywhere to meet our audiences; especially, in remote locations and areas of poverty. We provide grassroots education at all levels and sometimes we even bring audiences to the stationary domes. Technology has evolved in these small domes too; however, even the lowly analog mobile planetariums are still fulfilling the important role of introducing people to the patterns and rhythms of the universe and inspiring them to wonder and to preserve our precious spaceship Earth. You can join us in worldwide mobile dome meetings; connect with portable dome planetarians from more than 50 countries around the world.

Image © Arena Berlin


Susan Button (Quarks to Clusters) | Poster available to view all week, talk with author 60 min


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Room: Poster row



Button - How do mobile domes fit into the big picture?

24.07. 07/24/2024
09:30 am